The Finals: Light class sparks debate over balance issues

The Finals, the popular online shooter game, has been facing some criticism from its fanbase over the balance of its classes. The Light class, in particular, has been the subject of controversy, as some players argue that it is too powerful and needs nerfs, while others defend its strengths and weaknesses.

The Light class is one of the four classes available in The Finals, along with Medium, Heavy, and Support. The Light class specializes in speed and mobility, using a Cloaking Device to become invisible, a Glitch Grenade to disrupt enemies, and a V9S pistol to deal high damage at close range. The Light class is designed to be a stealthy assassin, sneaking up on unsuspecting foes and eliminating them quickly.

The Finals: Light class sparks debate over balance issues
The Finals: Light class sparks debate over balance issues

Why is the Light class controversial?

The Light class has been a hot topic among The Finals players since the launch of the game, as many felt that it was underpowered and ineffective compared to the other classes. However, the recent Season 2 update introduced new Vampiric powers that gave the Light class a significant boost, allowing it to heal from its kills and deal more damage with its pistol. This led to the emergence of a new build, dubbed the Ball Lighting build, that made the Light class a formidable force on the battlefield.

The Ball Lighting build relies on the Vampiric power that increases the damage of the V9S pistol by 50% for each consecutive hit, up to a maximum of 300%. This means that the Light class can potentially kill an enemy with a single shot, or even wipe out a whole team with a few well-placed bullets. The build also uses the Cloaking Device to approach enemies undetected, and the Glitch Grenade to disable their abilities and gadgets.

The Ball Lighting build has been showcased by several players on social media and video platforms, demonstrating its effectiveness in various scenarios. For example, one player managed to solo the boss Lilith, who is usually a tough challenge for a team of four, in a matter of seconds. Another player showed how they could dominate a cashout objective, killing multiple enemies with ease and securing the loot.

What are the arguments for and against the Light class?

The Light class has divided the opinion of the The Finals community, as some players believe that it is overpowered and needs to be nerfed, while others think that it is balanced and fun to play. Here are some of the main arguments from both sides:

  • The Light class is overpowered and needs nerfs:
    • The Light class can deal too much damage with the V9S pistol, especially with the Vampiric power that increases its damage by 50% per hit. This makes the pistol more powerful than most weapons in the game, and allows the Light class to kill enemies with one or two shots.
    • The Light class can become invisible with the Cloaking Device, which gives it an unfair advantage over other classes. The Cloaking Device is hard to counter, as it only reveals the Light class when it is very close to an enemy or when it shoots. The Cloaking Device also lasts for a long time, and can be recharged quickly by killing enemies.
    • The Light class can disrupt enemies with the Glitch Grenade, which prevents them from using their abilities and gadgets. The Glitch Grenade is very effective in team fights, as it can disable multiple enemies at once, and give the Light class an easy opportunity to kill them. The Glitch Grenade also has a short cooldown, and can be used frequently.
    • The Light class is too fast and agile, making it hard to hit and catch. The Light class can run faster than other classes, and can use its mobility to dodge enemy fire and escape from danger. The Light class can also heal from its kills, which makes it more survivable and resilient.
    • The Light class is too dominant and popular, making other classes and builds less viable and enjoyable. The Light class can outperform and outplay other classes in most situations, and can easily counter their strengths and exploit their weaknesses. The Light class also has no real drawbacks or trade-offs, as it excels in both offense and defense.
  • The Light class is balanced and fun to play:
    • The Light class is not overpowered, but rather skill-based and rewarding. The Light class requires good aim, timing, and positioning to use its abilities and weapons effectively, and can be easily punished for making mistakes. The Light class also has a high risk and high reward playstyle, as it can die quickly if it is detected or caught off guard.
    • The Light class is not invisible, but rather cloaked, which means that it can still be seen by attentive and experienced players. The Cloaking Device is not a guaranteed escape or kill tool, as it can be countered by various means, such as sonar, thermal vision, or simply looking for the distortion effect. The Cloaking Device also has a limited duration, and can be interrupted by damage or abilities.
    • The Light class is not disruptive, but rather strategic and tactical. The Glitch Grenade is not a guaranteed win tool, as it can be avoided or mitigated by various means, such as moving out of its range, using anti-glitch gadgets, or simply shooting back. The Glitch Grenade also has a limited radius, and can be wasted or misused by the Light class.
    • The Light class is not fast and agile, but rather fragile and vulnerable. The Light class has the lowest health and armor of all classes, and can be easily killed by a few shots from any weapon. The Light class also has no reliable way of healing itself, as it depends on killing enemies, which is not always possible or safe. The Light class also has no real protection or defense, as it relies on its mobility and stealth to survive.
    • The Light class is not dominant and popular, but rather diverse and fun. The Light class has many different builds and options to choose from, and can adapt to different situations and playstyles. The Light class also has many challenges and difficulties to overcome, and can provide a satisfying and enjoyable experience for the player.

What is the future of the Light class?

The Light class is currently one of the most discussed and debated topics in The Finals, and it is unclear what the future holds for it. The developers have not commented on the balance of the Light class, or whether they plan to make any changes to it. The players have different opinions and preferences on the Light class, and it is hard to reach a consensus on what is best for the game.

The Light class is likely to remain a controversial and polarizing class in The Finals, as it represents a unique and distinctive playstyle that appeals to some and annoys others. The Light class may also evolve and change over time, as new updates, patches, and seasons introduce new features, powers, and content to the game. The Light class may also face new competition and challenges, as other classes and builds emerge and improve.

The Light class is one of the most interesting and exciting aspects of The Finals, and it will continue to spark debate and discussion among the players and fans of the game.

Category: Gaming

Meta Description: The Light class in The Finals has been the subject of controversy, as some players argue that it is too powerful and needs nerfs, while others defend its strengths and weaknesses.

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