Coldplay singer surprises B.C. boy with a birthday song on stage

Leo Toevs, a 10-year-old boy from B.C., had a birthday wish come true when he attended the Coldplay concert in Vancouver on Saturday. He made a sign that said “It’s my birthday and my first concert” and hoped to catch the attention of his favourite band. He got more than he bargained for when singer Chris Martin spotted him in the crowd and invited him on stage.

Martin then improvised a song for Leo, calling it “Leo’s Birthday Song”. He sang, “I’m happy that you’re here with us, with me and my band of men. I can’t think of a better place to be when you turn 10.” The crowd cheered and clapped along as Leo smiled and waved.

The song was shared on Coldplay’s Instagram account and has been liked over 800,000 times. Many fans commented on how sweet and generous Martin was to make Leo’s day special.

Coldplay singer surprises B.C. boy with a birthday song on stage
Coldplay singer surprises B.C. boy with a birthday song on stage

A memorable concert experience for Leo

Leo told CHEK News that he was surprised and excited when Martin called him up on stage. He said, “He was reading everyone’s posters and he just said ‘That young man in the crowd, can you please come up?’ And then he just made a song from the top of his head!”

Leo said he loves Coldplay’s music and has been listening to them since he was four years old. He said his favourite songs are “A Sky Full of Stars” and “Viva la Vida”. He also said he admires Martin as a person and a musician.

“He’s very kind and he’s very talented,” Leo said. “He can play any instrument and he can sing very well.”

Leo said he will never forget his birthday concert and the song that Martin made for him. He said, “It was a dream come true.”

A gesture of appreciation from Coldplay

Coldplay is known for their appreciation of their fans and their involvement in various social causes. The band has donated millions of dollars to charities such as Oxfam, Amnesty International, War Child, and Make Trade Fair. They have also performed at benefit concerts for causes such as Live 8, Global Citizen Festival, One Love Manchester, and Sound Relief.

The band has also shown their gratitude to their fans by giving them free gifts such as live albums, DVDs, T-shirts, and wristbands. They have also interacted with their fans through social media, contests, meet-and-greets, and surprise appearances.

Martin has said that he feels a connection with the audience when he performs live. He has said, “The most important thing for us is to make people happy with our music.”

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