Valorant’s new agent Iso sparks mixed reactions with his aim-based abilities

Valorant, the popular tactical shooter game from Riot Games, is set to introduce a new agent in its upcoming Episode 7 Act 3 update. The new agent, named Iso, is a Chinese duelist who has a unique skill set that revolves around precise aiming and shooting. Iso’s abilities have drawn comparisons to the popular aim trainer software Aim Lab, as well as some anime characters. However, not everyone is excited about the new addition, as some players have expressed concerns about his balance and viability.

Iso’s abilities explained

Iso is a duelist who specializes in creating bulletproof protection for himself and applying pressure on his enemies. His abilities are as follows:

  • E – Double Tap: Activate your focus timer. When it’s run out, Iso will be able to harvest energy orbs from enemies he downs or damages. Once these orbs are shot, Iso will receive a shield that absorbs one instance of damage from any source.
Valorant’s new agent Iso sparks mixed reactions with his aim-based abilities
Valorant’s new agent Iso sparks mixed reactions with his aim-based abilities
  • Q – Undercut: Throw a molecular bolt that can pass through walls and other solid objects to catch enemies behind obstacles. When the bolt touches a player, the FRAGILE status will be applied to them.
  • C – Contingency: Iso will assemble prismatic energy that can be fired as an indestructible wall of energy that blocks bullets.
  • X – Kill Contract: Throw a column of energy and this will teleport him and the first enemy hit by his ultimate into a 1v1 arena. The winner leaves the arena and the loser dies.

According to Riot Games, Iso is designed to be a juggernaut who can run through a team without relying on mobility or healing. His abilities require him to have good aim and timing, as well as strategic positioning and decision making.

Iso’s similarities to Aim Lab and anime

Iso’s abilities have drawn comparisons to the popular aim trainer software Aim Lab, which helps players improve their aiming skills by providing various scenarios and feedback. Iso’s Double Tap ability, in particular, resembles one of the modes in Aim Lab called Gridshot, where players have to shoot targets that appear on a grid. Some players have joked that their hours of practicing on Aim Lab will pay off when playing Iso.

Iso’s appearance and personality have also reminded some players of anime characters, such as Spike Spiegel from Cowboy Bebop and Vash the Stampede from Trigun. Iso has a stylish outfit, a confident attitude, and a pair of sunglasses that he can flip on and off. His ultimate ability, Kill Contract, also resembles the concept of Death Note, where he can challenge an enemy to a duel to the death.

Iso’s balance and viability concerns

Not everyone is thrilled about Iso’s arrival, however. Some players have expressed concerns about his balance and viability in the game. Some have argued that his abilities are too powerful and unfair, especially his ultimate, which can potentially eliminate an enemy without giving them a chance to fight back. Others have pointed out that his abilities are too dependent on his aim and accuracy, which may make him difficult to use for casual or low-ranked players. Some have also questioned how useful his abilities are in certain situations or maps, where there may not be many opportunities to use them effectively.

Iso’s impact on the game remains to be seen until he is officially released on October 31st. Until then, players can watch some gameplay footage from pros and content creators who have tried him out early. Whether Iso will be a welcome addition or a controversial one will depend on how players adapt to his unique skill set and play style.

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