Sierra Leonean Football Officials Learn from CAF Club Licensing Workshop

Two representatives from the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) have participated in a three-day workshop organized by the Confederation of African Football (CAF) in Cairo, Egypt. The workshop, which ran from January 31 to February 2, 2024, aimed to train potential instructors and experts on the CAF Club Licensing Online Platform (CLOP).

CLOP is an electronic tool system designed to manage the licensing process and stadium inspections for continental and domestic competitions. It allows the national associations, as licensors, to implement a fully automated and electronic club licensing process every season. It also enables CAF to monitor the licensing procedure and gather data about clubs in Africa. CLOP is expected to improve the efficiency, transparency, and quality of the club licensing system in the continent.

Who attended the workshop from Sierra Leone?

The two SLFA representatives who attended the workshop were Ibrahim Conteh, the CEO of Sierra Football Club and the Team Manager of Bhantal FC, and Siman Man’s-Conteh Esquire, the Chairman of the SLFA Club Licensing First Instant Board. They were among the 54 participants from different national associations who were selected by CAF to attend the workshop.

What did they learn from the workshop?

The workshop covered various topics related to the CLOP, such as:

  • The objectives, features, and benefits of the CLOP
  • The technical requirements and specifications of the CLOP
  • The roles and responsibilities of the different stakeholders involved in the CLOP
  • The practical demonstration and hands-on exercises on how to use the CLOP
  • The best practices and challenges of implementing the CLOP

The workshop also provided an opportunity for the participants to exchange ideas and experiences with each other and with the CAF officials.

How will they use their knowledge and skills?

The two SLFA representatives will use their knowledge and skills to:

  • Train and support other SLFA officials and club representatives on how to use the CLOP
  • Operate and manage the CLOP for the SLFA domestic and continental competitions
  • Conduct and report stadium inspections using the CLOP
  • Provide feedback and suggestions to CAF on how to improve the CLOP

The SLFA hopes that by using the CLOP, it will be able to enhance the professionalism, governance, and development of football clubs in Sierra Leone.

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