Quantum Batteries Get a Boost from Indefinite Causal Order

Scientists have discovered a new way to charge quantum batteries that harnesses the power of indefinite causal order, a phenomenon that defies the conventional logic of cause and effect. This novel method could lead to more efficient and powerful quantum devices, such as computers, sensors, and engines.

In classical physics, the order of events is fixed and predetermined. For example, if Alice sends a message to Bob, and Bob replies to Alice, we can say that Alice’s message caused Bob’s reply, and not the other way around. This is called definite causal order.

However, in quantum physics, the order of events can be uncertain and even superposed. For example, if Alice and Bob are quantum systems, it is possible that Alice’s message and Bob’s reply are both causes and effects of each other, or that neither of them is a cause or an effect. This is called indefinite causal order.

Quantum Batteries Get a Boost from Indefinite Causal Order
Quantum Batteries Get a Boost from Indefinite Causal Order

Indefinite causal order is a resource that can be exploited for quantum information processing, such as communication, computation, and metrology. It can enable tasks that are impossible or inefficient with definite causal order, such as breaking cryptographic protocols, reducing communication complexity, and enhancing precision measurements.

How to Charge Quantum Batteries with Indefinite Causal Order?

A quantum battery is a device that stores and releases energy in the form of quantum states. Unlike classical batteries, quantum batteries can exhibit quantum effects, such as superposition, entanglement, and coherence. These effects can enhance the performance of quantum batteries, such as increasing the amount of energy stored, the speed of charging and discharging, and the resistance to noise and losses.

To charge a quantum battery, one needs to apply a quantum operation that increases the energy of the quantum state. This operation can be unitary, meaning that it preserves the probability of the quantum state, or non-unitary, meaning that it changes the probability of the quantum state. A unitary operation can be implemented by a quantum gate, while a non-unitary operation can be implemented by a quantum measurement.

The order of applying quantum operations can affect the outcome of the charging process. For example, if one applies two unitary operations in sequence, the final energy of the quantum battery will depend on the order of the operations. Similarly, if one applies two non-unitary operations in sequence, the final energy of the quantum battery will depend on the order of the measurements.

However, what if one applies a quantum operation that is in a superposition of two different orders? This is possible by using a quantum switch, a device that can control the order of quantum operations in a quantum superposition. By using a quantum switch, one can create a quantum operation that has indefinite causal order, meaning that it is neither in one order nor in the other, but in both at the same time.

Scientists have shown that charging quantum batteries with indefinite causal order can have advantages over charging them with definite causal order. For example, they have shown that:

  • By combining two unitary operations into a quantum superposition, one can fully charge an empty quantum battery even in the presence of a local Hamiltonian, a term that describes the natural evolution of the quantum state. This is impossible with definite causal order, as the local Hamiltonian will always decrease the energy of the quantum state.
  • By applying a non-unitary operation that has indefinite causal order, one can charge a quantum battery with more energy and higher efficiency than applying a non-unitary operation that has definite causal order. This is because the indefinite causal order can reduce the entropy of the quantum state, which is a measure of disorder and uncertainty.
  • By using a quantum switch that has less power, one can charge a quantum battery with more energy and higher efficiency than using a quantum switch that has more power. This is counterintuitive, as one would expect that more power would lead to better performance. However, this is explained by the fact that less power means less noise and losses, which can improve the quality of the quantum state.

What are the Implications and Challenges of Indefinite Causal Order in Quantum Batteries?

The discovery of indefinite causal order in quantum batteries opens up new possibilities and challenges for quantum information processing. On one hand, it shows that quantum batteries can benefit from the novel features of quantum physics, such as superposition, entanglement, and coherence. On the other hand, it also raises questions about the fundamental nature of causality, time, and thermodynamics in quantum systems.

Some of the implications and challenges of indefinite causal order in quantum batteries are:

  • It reveals a fundamental difference between indefinite causal order and other coherently controlled processes, such as quantum interference and quantum error correction. While these processes can also enhance the performance of quantum batteries, they cannot achieve the same results as indefinite causal order, such as the full charging of an empty quantum battery or the inverse interaction effect.
  • It provides new insights into the thermodynamics of quantum batteries, such as the trade-off between energy and entropy, the role of quantum coherence, and the definition of work and heat. It also challenges the conventional notions of irreversibility and the arrow of time, as indefinite causal order can reverse the natural evolution of quantum states.
  • It offers new applications for quantum batteries, such as powering quantum devices, performing quantum computations, and enabling quantum metrology. It also suggests new ways of designing and optimizing quantum batteries, such as using quantum switches, quantum measurements, and quantum feedback.

Indefinite causal order in quantum batteries is a fascinating and promising topic that deserves further exploration and experimentation. It could lead to the development of more efficient and powerful quantum devices, as well as a deeper understanding of quantum physics and its implications for reality.

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