Modern Warfare 3 faces backlash from fans and critics for its low quality

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3, the latest installment in the popular first-person shooter franchise, has been released on November 10, 2023. However, the game has received a lot of negative feedback from fans and critics alike, who have criticized its low quality, lack of innovation, and technical issues.

According to the review aggregator website Metacritic, Modern Warfare 3 has an average score of 63 out of 100 for the PlayStation 5 version, 62 for the Xbox Series X version, and 59 for the PC version. These are the lowest scores ever for a Call of Duty game, which usually receive high ratings from both users and critics.

Some of the common complaints about the game are its outdated graphics, poor optimization, buggy gameplay, and recycled content. Many reviewers have also pointed out that the game does not offer anything new or exciting to the franchise, and that it feels like a cash grab.

For comparison, the previous game in the series, Modern Warfare 2, which was released in 2022, had an average score of 86 for the PlayStation 5 version, 85 for the Xbox Series X version, and 83 for the PC version. The game was praised for its thrilling campaign, diverse multiplayer modes, and improved visuals.

Modern Warfare 3 faces backlash from fans and critics for its low quality
Modern Warfare 3 faces backlash from fans and critics for its low quality

Fans express their disappointment and anger on social media

The negative reception of Modern Warfare 3 has also sparked a lot of backlash from the fans of the franchise, who have expressed their disappointment and anger on social media platforms such as Twitter, Reddit, and YouTube.

Many fans have shared their frustration with the game’s performance issues, such as crashes, freezes, glitches, and lag. Some have also reported that the game has corrupted their save files, deleted their progress, or prevented them from accessing certain features.

Some fans have also accused the developers, Sledgehammer Games and Infinity Ward, of lying to them about the game’s quality and content. They have claimed that the game was rushed and unfinished, and that it did not deliver on the promises made by the developers in the trailers and interviews.

Some fans have also demanded a refund from the publishers, Activision, or have vowed to boycott the game and the franchise altogether.

Developers and publishers respond to the criticism

The developers and publishers of Modern Warfare 3 have responded to the criticism and backlash from the fans and critics, and have apologized for the game’s issues.

They have also promised to fix the game’s problems and improve its quality through patches and updates. They have also assured the fans that they are listening to their feedback and that they are working hard to make the game better.

They have also thanked the fans for their support and patience, and have asked them to give the game a chance and to enjoy its features.

They have also announced that they will be releasing new content and modes for the game, such as the Zombies mode, the Warzone map, and the Season 1 Battle Pass, which will add more variety and fun to the game.

Modern Warfare 3 is the latest game in the Call of Duty franchise, but it has been met with a lot of criticism and backlash from the fans and critics, who have slammed its low quality, lack of innovation, and technical issues.

The game has also received the lowest ratings ever for a Call of Duty game, and has disappointed many fans who expected a better and more exciting game.

The developers and publishers of the game have apologized for the game’s problems, and have promised to fix them and improve the game’s quality. They have also thanked the fans for their support, and have asked them to give the game a chance and to enjoy its features.

They have also announced that they will be releasing new content and modes for the game, which will add more variety and fun to the game.

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