Jordan and Palestine Call for Immediate End to Gaza War

King Abdullah II of Jordan and President Mahmoud Abbas of Palestine held a phone call on Thursday, Feb. 22, to discuss the latest developments in the Gaza Strip, where Israel has been waging a brutal war against Hamas and other Palestinian factions since October 7, 2023. The war has killed more than 2,000 Palestinians, mostly civilians, and injured more than 10,000 others, according to the Palestinian Ministry of Health .

The two leaders stressed the need to stop the war on Gaza and to protect the lives and rights of the Palestinian people, who are facing a humanitarian crisis and a violation of their dignity and sovereignty. They also condemned the Israeli aggression and the targeting of civilians and infrastructure, especially schools, hospitals, and media offices .

King Abdullah and President Abbas affirmed their rejection of any attempts to liquidate the Palestinian cause or to undermine the two-state solution, which is the only way to achieve a just and lasting peace in the region. They also reiterated their support for the Palestinian leadership and its efforts to defend the Palestinian rights and interests at the international level .

A Regional and International Effort to Broker a Ceasefire

The phone call between King Abdullah and President Abbas came amid a regional and international effort to broker a ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, and to end the bloodshed and suffering in Gaza. Several countries and organizations, including Egypt, Qatar, Turkey, the United Nations, and the European Union, have been involved in the mediation process, which has faced many obstacles and challenges .

The United States, which is Israel’s main ally and supporter, has also been trying to facilitate a truce, but has faced criticism for its reluctance to pressure Israel to stop its attacks or to support a UN Security Council resolution calling for a ceasefire. US Secretary of State Antony Blinken, who is on a tour of the Middle East, met with King Abdullah in Jordan on Wednesday, Feb. 21, and discussed the situation in Gaza and the prospects for peace .

Blinken said that the US was working with its partners to achieve a “durable and sustainable” ceasefire, and to address the humanitarian needs and the underlying causes of the conflict. He also said that the US was committed to the two-state solution and to the security and dignity of both Israelis and Palestinians .

A Solidarity and Support for the Palestinian Cause

The phone call between King Abdullah and President Abbas also reflected the solidarity and support that Jordan and Palestine have for each other and for their common cause. Jordan, which hosts the largest number of Palestinian refugees in the world, has been a staunch advocate for the Palestinian rights and aspirations, and a custodian of the Islamic and Christian holy sites in Jerusalem .

Jordan and Palestine have also been coordinating their positions and actions on various regional and international issues, especially those related to the peace process and the Arab-Israeli conflict. They have also been enhancing their bilateral relations and cooperation in various fields, such as trade, investment, education, health, and security .

The two countries have also been expressing their gratitude and appreciation for each other’s role and contribution to the Palestinian cause and the regional stability. King Abdullah has awarded President Abbas the Order of Al-Hussein bin Ali, the highest honor in Jordan, in recognition of his leadership and courage. President Abbas has also awarded King Abdullah the Grand Collar of the State of Palestine, the highest honor in Palestine, in recognition of his support and generosity .

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