Israel Strikes Back at Hamas After Tel Aviv Attack

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) said it destroyed several rocket launchers and an anti-tank site belonging to Hamas in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday night. The strikes were in response to a barrage of at least 11 rockets fired by Hamas from southern Gaza at the Tel Aviv area on Monday, the first such attack in nearly two months.

The IDF said that some of the launchers had additional mortars ready for firing, and that the anti-tank site was used by Hamas to target Israeli tanks and armored vehicles. The IDF also said that it killed and wounded many Hamas terrorists in the strikes, and that it seized weapons and explosives from the sites.

The IDF released a video showing the airstrikes on the rocket launchers and the anti-tank site, as well as footage of Israeli ground forces operating in Gaza.

Hamas Escalates Attacks on Israel After Months of Fighting

The rocket attack on Tel Aviv was the latest escalation by Hamas, the Islamist terrorist group that controls Gaza, after months of fighting with Israel. Since October 7, when Hamas launched a massive rocket barrage at Israel, more than 9,000 rockets have crossed into Israel, according to the IDF. The rockets have killed dozens of Israelis, injured hundreds more, and caused widespread damage and disruption.

Israel has responded with a large-scale military operation, dubbed Operation Guardian of the Walls, to stop the rocket fire and degrade Hamas’s capabilities. The operation has involved airstrikes, artillery, naval fire, and ground incursions into Gaza. The IDF says it has destroyed thousands of rocket launchers, tunnels, weapons factories, command centers, and other Hamas assets, as well as killed hundreds of Hamas terrorists.

The rocket fire from Gaza has declined in January, as Israel and Hamas have been engaged in indirect negotiations for a ceasefire, mediated by Egypt, Qatar, and the United Nations. However, the talks have stalled over several issues, including the release of Israeli hostages and the reconstruction of Gaza.

Israel Continues Offensive in Khan Younis and Other Areas of Gaza

Despite the rocket attack on Tel Aviv, Israel has not halted its offensive in Gaza, and has continued to target Hamas terrorists and infrastructure in various areas of the coastal enclave. One of the main focuses of the operation has been the city of Khan Younis, in southern Gaza, where Hamas has a strong presence and has launched many rockets at Israel.

The IDF says it is close to defeating Hamas in Khan Younis, after almost two months of intense fighting in the city. The IDF says it has killed many Hamas terrorists, including senior commanders, and has destroyed many rocket launchers, tunnels, and weapons caches in the city. The IDF has also uncovered a tunnel system built under a cemetery, which Hamas used to hide and move its fighters and weapons.

The IDF has also been operating in northern and central Gaza, where it has encountered fierce resistance from Hamas. The IDF says it has killed many terrorists and seized weapons in the Shati refugee camp, the Jabalia camp, and the Beit Hanoun area. The IDF has also directed several airstrikes on Hamas operatives and assets in these areas.

Israel Vows to Continue Fighting Until Hamas is Eliminated

Israel has vowed to continue fighting until Hamas is eliminated as a governing and military force in Gaza, and until the rocket threat is completely neutralized. Israel has also demanded that Hamas release the four Israeli hostages it is holding in Gaza, two civilians and two soldiers, as a condition for any ceasefire.

Israel’s Defense Minister Yoav Gallant said on Monday that “a quarter of Hamas’s terrorists have been killed and at least another quarter are wounded – the ‘hourglass’ has flipped against their favor.” He added that “this is a long war, but in the end, we will break Hamas. We must keep going until we eliminate them as a governing system, and as a military organization capable of launching attacks against the State of Israel.”

Israel’s Prime Minister Naftali Bennett said on Tuesday that “we will not stop until we restore security and peace to the citizens of Israel. We will not allow Hamas to dictate the rules of the game. We will continue to strike them hard, until they beg for a ceasefire.”

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