Israel to Punish Those Who Deny October 7 Massacre and Compensate Zaka Volunteers

A ministerial committee on legislation approved on Sunday three bills that aim to counter the denial and distortion of the October 7 massacre by Hamas terrorists and to support the Zaka volunteers who helped the victims and their families. The bills were issued by Israeli politicians from three different parties and received the backing of the government coalition.

The first bill, proposed by Yisrael Beytenu MK Oded Forer, prohibits the denial of the October 7 massacre or downplaying its dimensions or publishing praise, sympathy, or identification with the actions committed by Hamas in the events of that day. Anyone who violates this law will be sentenced to five years in prison.

The second bill, proposed by Likud MK Shlomo Karhi, allows the deportation of the families of the terrorists who participated in the October 7 massacre to Gaza or any other country that agrees to accept them. The bill also authorizes the confiscation of their property and the revocation of their citizenship or residency status.

The third bill, proposed by Blue and White MK Michal Cotler-Wunsh, grants compensation and benefits to the Zaka volunteers who assisted in the aftermath of the October 7 massacre. The bill recognizes the Zaka volunteers as emergency responders who risked their lives and suffered trauma while helping the wounded and collecting the remains of the dead.

October 7 massacre was the worst terror attack in Israel’s history

The October 7 massacre was the worst terror attack in Israel’s history, as Hamas terrorists infiltrated the border and killed 1,200 Israelis, mostly civilians, in several towns and communities in the south. The terrorists also committed acts of torture, rape, and mutilation against their victims, and took some hostages back to Gaza.

The massacre sparked a massive military operation by the IDF to liberate the captured towns and rescue the hostages. The operation lasted for several weeks and resulted in the death of hundreds of Hamas terrorists and dozens of Israeli soldiers. The IDF also captured some of the terrorists and brought them to Israel for interrogation and trial.

The massacre also triggered a wave of solidarity and grief among the Israeli public, as well as international condemnation and outrage. Many countries and organizations expressed their support for Israel and denounced Hamas as a terrorist organization. However, some pro-Palestinian activists and media outlets tried to justify or downplay the massacre, or even deny that it happened.

The bills aim to deter future terror attacks and honor the heroes

The bills approved by the ministerial committee aim to deter future terror attacks by Hamas and other groups, and to honor the heroes who helped the victims and their families. The bills also seek to counter the propaganda and lies spread by Hamas and its supporters, who try to portray themselves as victims and resistors, rather than as murderers and aggressors.

The bills will now be submitted to the Knesset for approval in the first reading. They are expected to face some opposition from the Arab parties and some human rights groups, who may argue that they violate the freedom of expression and the rights of the Palestinians. However, the bills have a strong chance of passing, as they enjoy the support of most of the coalition parties and some of the opposition parties.

The bills reflect the determination of the Israeli government and society to defend their sovereignty and security, and to commemorate the memory of the October 7 massacre and its victims. The bills also show the gratitude and appreciation of the Israeli people for the Zaka volunteers, who performed a sacred and heroic duty in the face of unimaginable horror.

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