How to Post Anonymously on Facebook Group?

Just discovered a group you want to post in anonymously? You’re in the right place! Posting anonymously on Facebook can be a helpful tool to protect your identity while sharing thoughts or information. Whether you’re using a desktop, iPhone, or Android, this guide will walk you through the steps to post anonymously in a Facebook group. Let’s get started!

Key Takeaways:

  • Desktop/Laptop: To post anonymously on a Facebook group via desktop or laptop, select the group, choose the “Anonymous Post” option, toggle on “Post Anonymously”, and confirm before creating and submitting your post.
  • iPhone: On iPhone, open the Facebook app, select the group, click on “Anonymous Post”, toggle on the option, create your post, and submit while being aware that it will be reviewed before publication.
  • Mobile: To post anonymously on a Facebook group via mobile, open the app, select the group, click on “Anonymous Post”, follow the prompts to post anonymously and submit for review before publication.

How to Post Anonymously on Facebook?

Posting Anonymously on Facebook Group via Desktop / Laptop

The first step to posting anonymously on a Facebook group via your desktop or laptop is to select the group you want to post in and open the ‘Compose Post’ section. Look for the “Anonymous Post” option and toggle on the switch to post anonymously. Once you confirm your choice, create your post and submit it. Your name will appear as “Group member” in private groups and as “Group participant” in public groups. You can also comment anonymously on Facebook Posts.

Posting Anonymously on Facebook Group on iPhone

While using your iPhone to post anonymously on a Facebook group, open the Facebook app and navigate to the desired group. Click on the ‘Compose Post’ section, select the “Anonymous Post” option, and toggle on the button to post anonymously. After creating your post, you will receive a pop-up informing you that your post will be reviewed before publication. Hit “Submit” to proceed.

How to Post Anonymously on Facebook: 2023 Guide

Reasons Why You Can’t Post Anonymously on Facebook Group

Disabled Feature by Group Admin

Any group admin(s) have the authority to enable or disable the option for posting anonymously in a Facebook group. If you find yourself unable to post anonymously, it may be because the feature has been disabled by the group admin(s). This decision is within their control, and they may have chosen not to allow anonymous posts for various reasons related to the group’s specific guidelines and policies.

Little can be done on your end if the feature has been disabled by the group admin(s). You can try reaching out to them to inquire about the possibility of enabling anonymous posts, but ultimately, the decision lies with them.

Feature Unavailable in Group

Any groups on Facebook may have different settings and options available to their members. It is possible that the specific group you are trying to post anonymously in does not have the feature enabled at all. This could be due to the nature of the group, its purpose, or simply a choice made by the group creator when setting up the group.

Feature Unavailable in Group may vary from one group to another. If you are unable to post anonymously in a particular group, it might be worth checking if the feature is available in other groups you are a part of or consider reaching out to the group admin(s) to inquire about the possibility of enabling this feature.

Summing up

With this in mind, posting anonymously on Facebook groups can be a useful tool for those who wish to share their thoughts or seek advice without revealing their identity. By following the steps outlined above, you can easily post anonymously on Facebook via desktop, laptop, iPhone, or Android device. Remember to check if the feature is enabled by your group admin(s) and be aware of the guidelines set by the group regarding anonymous posts.

Keep in mind that while anonymity can provide a sense of privacy, it’s important to use this feature responsibly and respectfully towards other group members. By utilizing anonymous posting options, you can engage in conversations, ask for help, or share personal experiences without the fear of judgment or backlash. Enjoy the benefits of posting anonymously while maintaining a safe and positive online community within your Facebook groups.


Q: How can I post anonymously on a Facebook group via desktop or laptop?

A: To post anonymously on a Facebook group via desktop or laptop, open Facebook, select the group, go to the ‘Compose Post’ section, click on “Anonymous Post,” toggle on “Post Anonymously,” confirm the prompt, create your post, and submit it.

Q: What steps should I follow to post anonymously on a Facebook group using an iPhone?

A: If you’re using an iPhone, open the Facebook app, navigate to the desired group, go to the ‘Compose Post’ section, click on “Anonymous Post,” toggle on “Post Anonymously,” create your post, and submit it after confirming the pop-up message.

Q: Why am I unable to post anonymously on a Facebook group?

A: The inability to post anonymously on a Facebook group may be due to either the group admin(s) not enabling anonymous posts or the feature being unavailable in the particular group where you are trying to post.

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