Google’s Material You redesigns: A look back at the best of 2023

Google has been busy updating its apps with the new Material You design language, which was unveiled over two years ago. Material You is a dynamic and adaptive system that changes the look and feel of apps based on the user’s preferences, wallpaper, and context. In 2023, Google brought Material You to many of its popular apps, such as Gmail, Photos, Calendar, and more. Here are some of the most notable redesigns that Google rolled out this year.

One of the first apps to receive the Material You treatment was Gmail, which got a major overhaul in June. The new design features a cleaner and more spacious layout, with rounded corners, larger icons, and subtle animations. The app also adapts to the user’s wallpaper and system theme, changing the color of the navigation bar, buttons, and labels accordingly. The new Gmail also introduced some new features, such as quick settings, smart chips, and voice and video calling integration.

Google’s Material You redesigns: A look back at the best of 2023
Google’s Material You redesigns: A look back at the best of 2023

Photos becomes more personal and interactive

Google Photos also got a Material You update in July, which made the app more personal and interactive. The app now shows a personalized grid of memories on the home screen, which can be customized by the user. The app also uses the wallpaper and system theme to create a unique color palette for each photo, making them more vibrant and expressive. The app also added some new editing tools, such as filters, stickers, and doodles, to let the user unleash their creativity.

Calendar gets smarter and more flexible

Google Calendar was another app that got a Material You makeover in August, which made the app smarter and more flexible. The app now shows a dynamic widget on the home screen, which changes the size and content based on the user’s schedule and preferences. The app also adapts to the user’s wallpaper and system theme, changing the color of the events, buttons, and icons accordingly. The new Calendar also introduced some new features, such as event suggestions, time insights, and focus mode.

Other apps that got Material You redesigns

Besides these three apps, Google also updated many other apps with Material You design in 2023. Some of the other apps that got Material You redesigns are:

  • Google Drive: The app got a new layout, with larger thumbnails, rounded corners, and adaptive colors. The app also added some new features, such as offline access, dark mode, and file suggestions.
  • Google Maps: The app got a new look, with smoother transitions, bolder icons, and adaptive colors. The app also added some new features, such as live view, eco-friendly routes, and community feed.
  • Google Chrome: The app got a new interface, with curved tabs, larger buttons, and adaptive colors. The app also added some new features, such as tab groups, password manager, and privacy dashboard.

Google’s Material You redesigns have made its apps more modern, colorful, and personalized. The new design language also aims to improve the user experience, by making the apps more responsive, accessible, and intuitive. Google has said that it will continue to bring Material You to more apps and devices in the future, as part of its vision to create a unified and adaptive ecosystem.

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