Egyptian film explores the dark alliance of Hitler and Al-Husseini

A new Egyptian film, titled “A Century and Six Years”, depicts the fictional meeting of two descendants of Adolf Hitler and Hajj Amin Al-Husseini, the former Grand Mufti of Jerusalem and a notorious Nazi collaborator. The film, which is set to be released soon, has sparked controversy and criticism for its portrayal of the historical and ideological ties between the Nazi and Islamist movements.

The film’s plot revolves around Sheikh Hareth, a grandson of Al-Husseini, who travels to Germany to meet a grandson of Hitler, named Adolf. The two men discuss and renew Hitler’s old promise to Al-Husseini regarding the “freeing of Palestine” from the Jews, and plan to carry out a terrorist attack in Israel. The film also shows flashbacks of the historical events and figures that shaped the relationship between Hitler and Al-Husseini, such as the 1941 meeting in Berlin, the formation of the Muslim SS division, and the Holocaust.

The film’s director, Ahmed El-Sayed, said that he wanted to expose the “hidden truth” behind the Nazi-Islamist alliance, and to warn against the dangers of extremism and terrorism. He said that he was inspired by the book “Icon of Evil: Hitler’s Mufti and the Rise of Radical Islam” by David Dalin and John Rothmann, which he read during the COVID-19 lockdown. He also said that he faced many challenges and obstacles in making the film, such as the lack of funding, the censorship, and the threats from some Islamist groups.

A controversial reception

The film has received mixed reactions from the public and the critics. Some praised the film for its courage and creativity, and for shedding light on a dark chapter of history that is often ignored or distorted. They said that the film is a valuable contribution to the Egyptian cinema, which has been suffering from a decline in quality and diversity in recent years. They also said that the film is a timely and relevant message for the current situation in the Middle East, where the threat of Iran and its proxies is growing.

However, some criticized the film for its historical inaccuracies, its political bias, and its offensive content. They said that the film is a propaganda tool that serves the interests of Israel and its allies, and that it demonizes the Palestinian cause and the Islamic faith. They also said that the film is a provocation that could incite hatred and violence among the people, and that it should be banned or boycotted.

The film has also drawn the attention of some international media outlets and organizations, such as the Jerusalem Post, the Simon Wiesenthal Center, and the Anti-Defamation League. They expressed their interest and curiosity about the film, and said that they would like to watch it and review it. They also said that they hope that the film will spark a constructive dialogue and debate about the history and the future of the region.

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