Dragon Oil Showcases Its Expertise in Energy Transition at EGYPS 2024

Dragon Oil, a company wholly owned by the Government of Dubai, is participating in the Egypt Energy Exhibition and Conference (EGYPS 2024) in Cairo, which takes place from February 19 to 21, 2024. The event is held under the patronage and presence of Abdel Fattah El-Sisi, President of the Arab Republic of Egypt, and is the largest oil and gas exhibition and conference in North Africa and the Mediterranean.

Dragon Oil is one of the main exhibitors and speakers at EGYPS 2024, and is showcasing its expertise and achievements in the energy transition, emissions reduction, and decarbonisation of the oil and gas industry. Dragon Oil is also highlighting its projects and plans in Egypt, where it operates as one of the first joint companies for petroleum production in the Gulf of Suez.

Dragon Oil’s participation at EGYPS 2024 reflects its commitment to support the development and prosperity of Egypt, and to strengthen its economic and investment relations with the country, which is a key market for the company. Dragon Oil’s Chairman of the Board of Directors, Saeed Mohammed Al Tayer, who heads a high-level delegation to the event, said that he was proud to be part of EGYPS 2024, which is a platform for exchanging ideas and experiences in the oil and gas sector, and for exploring new opportunities for cooperation and partnership.

A Pioneer in the Field of Energy Transformation, Emissions Reduction, and Decarbonisation

Dragon Oil is a pioneer in the field of energy transformation, emissions reduction, and decarbonisation, and has adopted a comprehensive and sustainable strategy to achieve these goals. The company has implemented various initiatives and programmes to reduce its carbon footprint, such as using clean energy to power its operations, applying advanced technologies to optimize its processes, and investing in research and development to innovate new solutions.

Dragon Oil’s CEO, Ali Rashid Al Jarwan, who is one of the speakers at EGYPS 2024, said that the company was keen to share its expertise and best practices in the energy transition with the industry stakeholders, and to learn from the experiences of others. He said that Dragon Oil was also interested in collaborating with other companies and organizations to develop and implement solutions that would enhance the efficiency, sustainability, and competitiveness of the oil and gas industry.

At EGYPS 2024, Dragon Oil is presenting its vision and achievements in the energy transition, emissions reduction, and decarbonisation in various discussion sessions, such as:

  • The Global Leaders Panel: Securing Supplies, Energy Transition, and Reducing Emissions
  • The Energy Transition Panel: Decarbonising the Oil and Gas Industry
  • The Hydrogen Panel: The Future of Hydrogen Production and Utilisation
  • The Technical Conference: Energy Transformation, Emissions Reduction, and Decarbonisation

A Successful and Growing Business in Egypt

Dragon Oil is a successful and growing business in Egypt, where it operates as Dragon Oil Egypt, owned by the Emirates National Oil Company (ENOC). The company focuses on the field of research, exploration, and petroleum production in the Gulf of Suez, and has ambitious plans to expand its activities and investments in the country.

Dragon Oil Egypt has a strong track record of performance and excellence, and has achieved remarkable results in its operations, such as:

  • Increasing its production from 7,000 barrels per day in 2018 to 15,000 barrels per day in 2023
  • Drilling 15 new wells and conducting 12 workovers in 2023
  • Implementing a comprehensive health, safety, and environment (HSE) management system and achieving zero lost time incidents in 2023
  • Supporting the local community and the environment through various corporate social responsibility (CSR) initiatives and programmes

Dragon Oil Egypt is also looking forward to participating in the upcoming bid rounds for new exploration blocks in Egypt, and to exploring new opportunities for cooperation and partnership with the Egyptian government and companies in the oil and gas sector.

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