Dawnwalker: A New Dark Fantasy RPG from Ex-Cyberpunk and Witcher Developers

Rebel Wolves, a new game studio founded by former developers of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3, has revealed the name and the first image of its debut project: Dawnwalker, a dark fantasy RPG built on Unreal Engine 5.

Dawnwalker is a story-driven RPG saga set in a medieval world where vampires and other supernatural creatures exist. The game will feature a rich and immersive narrative, written by Jakub Szamałek, Rebel Wolves’ Co-Founder and Narrative Director, who also contributed to The Witcher 3.

The game’s title and the first wallpaper suggest that the game will have a vampire-themed setting, as the term “daywalker” is often used to describe vampires who can withstand sunlight. The wallpaper shows a warrior with a sword and a clawed hand, leaping through the air against a blood-red sky. Behind him, a dark cloud of smoke follows, possibly indicating his ability to transform into mist. Above him, a golden symbol of a sun and a moon balanced on a scale hints at the game’s theme of duality and balance.

Dawnwalker: A New Dark Fantasy RPG from Ex-Cyberpunk and Witcher Developers
Dawnwalker: A New Dark Fantasy RPG from Ex-Cyberpunk and Witcher Developers

Who are Rebel Wolves?

Rebel Wolves is a new game studio based in Warsaw, Poland, founded by former developers of CD Projekt Red, the company behind the critically acclaimed Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3. The studio was formed in early 2022, with the aim of creating high-quality RPGs with engaging stories and memorable characters.

The studio’s core team consists of 12 experienced developers, who have worked on various aspects of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3, such as gameplay, design, art, animation, and writing. Some of the notable names include Paweł Sasko, the Lead Quest Designer of Cyberpunk 2077 and The Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine expansion, Maciej Pietras, the Lead Technical Artist of Cyberpunk 2077, and Jakub Szamałek, the Narrative Director of Dawnwalker and a writer of The Witcher 3.

When will Dawnwalker be released?

Rebel Wolves has not announced a release date or a target platform for Dawnwalker yet, as the game is still in the early stages of development. The studio has confirmed that the game is being developed using Unreal Engine 5, the latest version of the popular game engine that promises to deliver stunning graphics and performance.

The studio has also stated that it will share more details about the game in the future, as well as its vision and goals as a new game developer. The studio has expressed its gratitude to the fans and the media for their interest and support, and has invited them to follow its social media channels for more updates.

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