USAID Offers $3,000 and Full Funding for University Faculty to Analyze DHS Data

The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) has announced the 2024 Demographic and Health Surveys (DHS) Fellows Program, which aims to increase the capacity of countries to conduct further analysis of DHS data. The program is open to university faculty members from 23 low- and middle-income countries who teach and/or conduct research in demography, public health, economics, sociology, or other social sciences.

What is the DHS Program?

The DHS Program is a USAID-funded project that assists countries with the implementation of nationally representative household and facility-based surveys that collect data on population, health, and nutrition. The DHS Program also provides technical assistance for the analysis and dissemination of the survey data. The DHS Program has conducted more than 320 surveys in 90 countries across Africa, Asia, Latin America/Caribbean and Eastern Europe since 1984.

USAID Offers $3,000 and Full Funding for University Faculty to Analyze DHS Data
USAID Offers $3,000 and Full Funding for University Faculty to Analyze DHS Data

What are the benefits of the DHS Fellows Program?

The DHS Fellows Program is designed to teach fellows how to analyze and conduct research with DHS data, strengthen their skills to integrate DHS data into their teaching, and increase their ability to train others to use DHS data at their home universities. Each fellow will be awarded a $3,000 honorarium to cover research expenses, travel expenses, and other incidentals. The program will also cover the costs of two in-person workshops organized by The DHS Program.

What are the requirements of the DHS Fellows Program?

The program is open to faculty members from universities in Bangladesh, Burkina Faso, Cambodia, Cameroon, Cote d’Ivoire, Gabon, Gambia, Guinea, Jordan, Kenya, Liberia, Madagascar, Mali, Mauritania, Niger, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Tanzania, Uganda, and Zambia. Applications must be from teams comprised of two members from the same university. Individuals who have already participated in a data analysis workshop conducted by The DHS Program are not eligible. Teams must include one senior faculty member. Both team members must be available to attend two in-person workshops organized by The DHS Program. In addition, all participants must complete the DHS Dataset User course online before attending the first workshop.

How to apply for the DHS Fellows Program?

The application deadline for the 2024 DHS Fellows Program is November 12, 2023. Applicants must submit a research proposal that uses DHS data to address a research question relevant to their country or region. The proposal should include a clear research question, objectives, methodology, expected results, and policy implications. Applicants must also submit a curriculum vitae for each team member and a letter of support from their department head or dean. The application form and more details can be found on The DHS Program website.

Why is the DHS Fellows Program important?

The DHS Fellows Program is an opportunity for university faculty members to enhance their skills and knowledge in using and analyzing DHS data. The program also aims to strengthen the institutional capacity of universities to use DHS data for teaching and research purposes. By doing so, the program hopes to contribute to the generation of evidence-based policies and programs that can improve the health and well-being of people in low- and middle-income countries.

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