From Ukraine to Israel: How four teens escaped one war only to face another

Four teenagers from Ukraine had hoped to find peace and stability in Israel after fleeing their war-torn country in 2022. They were among the more than 45,000 Ukrainians who sought refuge in Israel following Russia’s invasion of their homeland. They enrolled in Kfar Silver, a youth village near Ashkelon that provides education and support for children from challenging backgrounds. The village is run by World ORT, a global education charity that operates in 37 countries.

The teens quickly adapted to their new environment, learning Hebrew, making friends, and pursuing their interests. They also received psychological counseling to cope with the trauma of leaving their families and witnessing the horrors of war. They dreamed of becoming doctors, engineers, and lawyers in their new home.

From Ukraine to Israel: How four teens escaped one war only to face another
From Ukraine to Israel: How four teens escaped one war only to face another

A second war on their doorstep

However, their hopes were shattered on October 7, 2023, when Hamas militants launched a surprise attack on Israel from the Gaza Strip, just 8 miles away from Kfar Silver. The teens were among the 63 pupils who were on site that day, as most of the others had gone home for the weekend. They had to run for shelter as rockets and mortars rained down on their village, while Israeli forces responded with airstrikes and ground operations.

The teens were terrified and confused, as they relived the memories of the war they had escaped. They wondered why they had to endure another conflict, and what would happen to them and their loved ones. They also felt guilty for leaving their families behind in Ukraine, where the situation was still tense and uncertain.

A resilient spirit

Despite the fear and anxiety, the teens did not give up on their dreams and aspirations. They stayed in touch with their families and friends in Ukraine, and received support from their teachers and counselors at Kfar Silver. They also helped each other cope with the stress and uncertainty, sharing their feelings and experiences.

The teens showed remarkable resilience and courage, as they continued their studies and activities amid the chaos. They participated in online classes, volunteered in the community, and celebrated Jewish holidays. They also expressed their emotions and opinions through art, music, and writing.

A message of hope

The teens hope that the war will end soon, and that they will be able to resume their normal lives. They also hope that their families and friends in Ukraine will be safe and happy, and that they will be able to reunite with them someday. They are grateful for the opportunity to study and grow in Israel, and for the kindness and generosity of the people who helped them along the way.

The teens have a message of hope and peace for the world, especially for the children who are suffering from war and violence. They want to tell them that they are not alone, and that they have the power to overcome any challenge. They want to inspire them to pursue their dreams, and to make a positive difference in the world.

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