Iran’s First Electric Taxi Service Launches in Tehran

Iran has launched its first electric taxi service in the capital city of Tehran, as part of a new initiative to promote green transportation and reduce air pollution. The service, called E-Taxi, is operated by the Iranian Electrical Vehicle Association (IEVA), a non-governmental organization that aims to develop and support the electric vehicle industry in the country.

E-Taxi offers a fleet of 50 electric cars, mostly imported from China, that can be booked through a mobile application or a website. The service charges a flat rate of 30,000 rials (about $0.7) per kilometer, which is slightly higher than the average price of conventional taxis in Tehran. However, the service claims that it provides a more comfortable, convenient, and eco-friendly ride for its customers.

Iran’s First Electric Taxi Service Launches in Tehran
Iran’s First Electric Taxi Service Launches in Tehran

According to IEVA, the electric taxis can travel up to 300 kilometers on a single charge, and can be recharged at any of the 70 charging stations across the city. The association also plans to expand the service to other cities in Iran, and to increase the number of electric taxis to 200 by the end of 2023.

A Step Towards Reducing Iran’s Dependence on Fossil Fuels

Iran is one of the world’s largest oil producers and exporters, but it also faces a number of challenges related to its dependence on fossil fuels. The country suffers from frequent power outages, high fuel subsidies, and severe air pollution, especially in urban areas. According to the World Health Organization, Iran ranks among the top 10 countries with the worst air quality in the world, and Tehran is one of the most polluted cities globally.

The launch of the electric taxi service is seen as a step towards reducing Iran’s reliance on fossil fuels, and improving its environmental and economic situation. The service is expected to save up to 10,000 liters of gasoline per day, and to reduce carbon dioxide emissions by up to 25,000 tons per year. Moreover, the service is expected to create new jobs and business opportunities for the local electric vehicle industry, which is still in its infancy.

A Potential Model for Other Developing Countries

The electric taxi service in Tehran is not the first of its kind in the world, but it is one of the few examples of such a service in a developing country. Most of the existing electric taxi services are found in developed countries, such as China, Japan, Norway, and the United States, where the electric vehicle market is more mature and the infrastructure is more advanced.

However, the electric taxi service in Tehran could serve as a potential model for other developing countries that face similar challenges as Iran, such as high energy demand, low energy efficiency, and high environmental impact. By adopting electric vehicles, these countries could benefit from lower fuel costs, lower emissions, and lower dependence on foreign oil imports. Furthermore, these countries could also foster innovation and competitiveness in their domestic electric vehicle industry, and contribute to the global transition towards a greener and more sustainable future.

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