How Hamas’ October 7 Attack Backfired and United Israel Against Terror

Hamas exploited Israel’s political and social divisions to launch a surprise attack, but ended up strengthening Israel’s resolve and solidarity.

Hamas, the Islamist terrorist group that rules the Gaza Strip, used Israel’s political and social divisions to launch a surprise attack on October 7, 2023, that killed 1,200 Israelis and wounded thousands more. The attack, which involved land, sea, and air infiltration, was the deadliest in Israel’s history and aimed to destroy its security and morale. However, the attack backfired and ended up strengthening Israel’s resolve and solidarity against terror.

The attack, which was planned for months, took advantage of Israel’s internal rifts and weaknesses, which had been exacerbated by the coronavirus pandemic, the economic crisis, and the repeated elections. Hamas hoped that the attack would catch Israel off guard and unprepared, and that it would deepen its divisions and chaos. Hamas also hoped that the attack would boost its popularity and legitimacy among the Palestinians and the Arab and Muslim world.

However, the attack had the opposite effect and united Israel against terror. The attack shocked and outraged the Israeli public, which rallied behind the government and the army in their response. The attack also galvanized the Israeli political parties, which formed a broad coalition to deal with the crisis and postponed the elections. The attack also mobilized the Israeli society, which showed solidarity and support for the victims and their families, and for the soldiers and the emergency workers.

Israel launched a massive operation to liberate the captured towns and rescue the hostages

Israel launched a massive operation to liberate the captured towns and rescue the hostages, which lasted for several weeks and resulted in the death of hundreds of Hamas terrorists and dozens of Israeli soldiers. The operation, which was supported by the US and other allies, also captured some of the terrorists and brought them to Israel for interrogation and trial.

The operation was one of the most complex and challenging in Israel’s history, as it involved fighting in urban and rural areas, against a well-armed and trained enemy, and under the threat of rockets and tunnels. The operation also required coordination and cooperation among different branches and units of the IDF, as well as with the police and the intelligence agencies. The operation also faced legal and moral dilemmas, such as how to minimize civilian casualties and collateral damage, and how to treat the terrorists and their families.

The operation was also one of the most successful and heroic in Israel’s history, as it demonstrated Israel’s military and technological superiority, as well as its determination and resilience. The operation also showcased Israel’s innovation and creativity, as it used new and advanced weapons and systems, such as drones, robots, and cyber warfare. The operation also highlighted Israel’s courage and sacrifice, as it witnessed many acts of bravery and selflessness by the soldiers and the commanders.

Israel faced international criticism and pressure, but also received support and sympathy

Israel faced international criticism and pressure, but also received support and sympathy, as it dealt with the aftermath of the attack and the operation. Israel faced condemnation and accusations from some countries and organizations, which blamed it for the escalation and the humanitarian situation in Gaza, and called for a ceasefire and an investigation. Israel also faced legal and diplomatic actions, such as sanctions, boycotts, and lawsuits, from some groups and individuals, who accused it of war crimes and human rights violations.

However, Israel also received support and sympathy from many countries and organizations, which recognized its right and duty to defend itself from terrorism, and expressed their solidarity and condolences. Israel also received assistance and cooperation, such as intelligence, weapons, and humanitarian aid, from some countries and agencies, which helped it to cope with the crisis and to rebuild and recover. Israel also received recognition and appreciation, such as awards, honors, and invitations, from some leaders and institutions, who praised its achievements and contributions.

Israel emerged stronger and more united from the crisis, while Hamas suffered a defeat and a backlash

Israel emerged stronger and more united from the crisis, while Hamas suffered a defeat and a backlash, as the consequences and implications of the attack and the operation became clear. Israel emerged stronger and more united, as it restored its security and deterrence, and healed its wounds and divisions. Israel also emerged stronger and more united, as it improved its relations and reputation with its allies and friends, and gained new partners and opportunities.

Hamas suffered a defeat and a backlash, as it lost its fighters and weapons, and failed to achieve its goals and expectations. Hamas also suffered a defeat and a backlash, as it faced isolation and resentment from its rivals and enemies, and lost support and legitimacy among the Palestinians and the Arab and Muslim world.

The attack and the operation marked a turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, as they changed the balance of power and the dynamics of the situation. The attack and the operation also marked a turning point in the history of Israel, as they tested its strength and unity, and shaped its future and destiny.

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