Egypt wins seat on African Peace and Security Council for 2024-2026

Egypt has been elected to the African Peace and Security Council (PSC) for the term 2024-2026, after securing 44 votes out of 46 from the African Union member states who are entitled to vote. The election took place on Thursday, February 15, 2024, at the headquarters of the African Union in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Egypt’s candidacy was endorsed by the North African region, as well as by several other African countries and regional organizations.

Egypt’s membership in the PSC is a reflection of its role and capabilities in the continent, especially in the field of peace and security. Egypt has been a founding member of the PSC since its establishment in 2004, and has served four terms on the council, the last of which was in 2020-2022. Egypt has also contributed to several peacekeeping and mediation efforts in Africa, such as in Sudan, Libya, Somalia, and the Central African Republic.

A commitment to the African agenda and interests

Egypt’s membership in the PSC is also a commitment to the African agenda and interests, especially in the face of the common challenges and threats that the continent faces. Egypt has been a strong advocate of the African Union’s vision of “Silencing the Guns by 2020”, and has supported the implementation of the African Peace and Security Architecture and the African Governance Architecture. Egypt has also been keen on enhancing the cooperation and coordination between the PSC and other regional and international partners, such as the United Nations, the European Union, and the Arab League.

A recognition of Egypt’s achievements and reforms

Egypt’s membership in the PSC is also a recognition of its achievements and reforms, both at the domestic and the regional levels. Egypt has been undergoing a comprehensive development process, under the leadership of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi, that aims to improve the economic, social, and political conditions of the Egyptian people. Egypt has also been playing a leading role in the regional integration and cooperation initiatives, such as the African Continental Free Trade Area, the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam negotiations, and the East Mediterranean Gas Forum.

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