How to Discover and Develop Your 24 Character Strengths

Everyone has a unique combination of 24 character strengths that make up their personality and influence their well-being. These strengths are the positive traits that help us cope with challenges, achieve our goals, and live a fulfilling life. But how can we discover and develop our character strengths? A new graphic from Visual Capitalist provides a comprehensive overview of the 24 character strengths, their definitions, and their benefits.

Character strengths are the positive aspects of our personality that reflect our core values and virtues. They are not skills or abilities that we learn, but rather innate qualities that we possess in different degrees. Character strengths are universal across cultures and nations, and they are linked to various outcomes such as happiness, resilience, achievement, and relationships.

How to Discover and Develop Your 24 Character Strengths
How to Discover and Develop Your 24 Character Strengths

According to positive psychology, there are six broad virtues that encompass 24 character strengths. These virtues are wisdom, courage, humanity, justice, temperance, and transcendence. Each virtue has four character strengths that are related to it, but also distinct from each other. For example, the virtue of wisdom includes the character strengths of creativity, curiosity, open-mindedness, and love of learning.

How to Discover Your Character Strengths

One of the best ways to discover your character strengths is to take a scientific survey that measures them. The VIA Survey is a free and reliable tool that assesses your 24 character strengths and ranks them from strongest to weakest. The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete, and you will receive a personalized report that describes your character strengths profile.

Your character strengths profile shows your signature strengths, which are the top five or six strengths that are most natural and authentic to you. These are the strengths that you use frequently, enjoy using, and feel proud of. Your signature strengths reflect your true self and your potential for growth.

How to Develop Your Character Strengths

Once you discover your character strengths, you can use them to enhance your well-being and performance in various domains of life. There are many ways to develop your character strengths, such as:

  • Practicing your strengths: You can use your strengths more often and in different situations, especially those that are challenging or stressful. For example, if you have a strength of gratitude, you can express your appreciation to others, keep a gratitude journal, or write a thank-you letter.
  • Balancing your strengths: You can avoid overusing or underusing your strengths, and find the optimal level of expression for each strength. For example, if you have a strength of honesty, you can be truthful without being harsh, and respect the privacy of others.
  • Combining your strengths: You can use two or more strengths together to create a synergistic effect. For example, if you have strengths of humor and kindness, you can use humor to cheer up someone who is feeling down, or to diffuse a tense situation.
  • Learning from others: You can observe and appreciate the strengths of others, and learn from their examples. For example, if you have a strength of leadership, you can seek feedback from others, mentor someone who needs guidance, or join a group that shares your vision.

Why Character Strengths Matter

Character strengths are not only important for our own well-being, but also for the well-being of others and the world. Character strengths can help us:

  • Achieve our goals: Character strengths can motivate us, guide us, and support us in pursuing our personal and professional goals. For example, if you have a strength of perseverance, you can overcome obstacles, persist in the face of difficulties, and finish what you start.
  • Cope with challenges: Character strengths can help us deal with stress, adversity, and trauma. They can also help us prevent or reduce the negative effects of these experiences. For example, if you have a strength of hope, you can have a positive outlook, envision a better future, and take action to make it happen.
  • Build relationships: Character strengths can help us connect with others, communicate effectively, and cooperate harmoniously. They can also help us resolve conflicts, forgive others, and show compassion. For example, if you have a strength of love, you can form close and warm bonds with others, express your affection, and receive love in return.
  • Contribute to society: Character strengths can help us make a positive difference in the world, through our work, hobbies, or volunteer activities. They can also help us appreciate the beauty and diversity of life, and find meaning and purpose in what we do. For example, if you have a strength of spirituality, you can have a sense of connection to something larger than yourself, express your values and beliefs, and seek transcendence.

Character strengths are the key to unlocking our potential and living a fulfilling life. By discovering and developing our character strengths, we can enhance our well-being and performance, and contribute to the well-being of others and the world.

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