How to Make Carrot Gnocchi with Walnut Brown Butter Sauce

Many people are often looking for creative ways to use up leftover ingredients, and making carrot gnocchi with a walnut brown butter sauce is a delicious and satisfying option. In this blog post, you will learn how to create your own gnocchi dough using fresh carrots and simple pantry staples, as well as how to cook them in a flavorful brown butter sauce with walnuts. Follow these easy steps to enjoy a hearty and flavorful dish that is perfect for the fall season.

Key Takeaways:

  • Gnocchi Basics: Gnocchi are small dumplings made from flour and ingredients like potatoes, cheese, or vegetables.
  • Benefits of Using Carrots: Carrots add color, flavor, and nutrition to gnocchi dough, with beta-carotene, vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants.
  • Preparation and Serving: Boil, mash, mix, shape, cook, and serve the carrot gnocchi with walnut brown butter sauce for a delicious fall meal.

How to Make Carrot Gnocchi with Walnut Brown Butter Sauce

Making Carrot Gnocchi Dough

  • Boil chopped carrots until tender
  • Mash boiled carrots into a paste
  • Combine carrot paste with flour, Parmesan cheese, egg, garlic, thyme, and salt
  • Form dough with the mixture
  • Shape dough into gnocchi

Cooking Carrot Gnocchi

  • Boil carrot gnocchi in salted water until they float
  • Drain gnocchi well
  • Melt butter in a skillet, add garlic and walnuts, cook until nutty
  • Toss cooked gnocchi in brown butter sauce until slightly browned and coated
  • Serve with pecorino Romano cheese for a delicious meal
  • Brown butter enhances nuttiness of walnut sauce
  • Pecorino Romano cheese adds a salty kick
  • Walnuts provide a satisfying crunch
  • Flavorful and comforting dish for fall season

How to Make Carrot Gnocchi with Walnut Brown Butter Sauce

Tips for Making the Perfect Carrot Gnocchi

While making carrot gnocchi, there are a few key tips to keep in mind to ensure that your dish turns out delicious every time.

  • Choosing the Right Carrots: Assuming you want to make the best carrot gnocchi possible, be sure to select fresh, vibrant carrots that are not wilted or soft. The fresher the carrots, the brighter the color and flavor they will bring to your gnocchi dish.
  • Consistency of the Dough: Right consistency of the dough is crucial for perfect carrot gnocchi. This means ensuring that the dough is smooth, pliable, and not too sticky. If the dough is too wet, add a bit more flour; if it’s too dry, add a splash of water. This will help your gnocchi hold their shape and cook evenly.

Factors to Consider When Cooking Carrot Gnocchi

All the following factors play a role in successful carrot gnocchi cooking:

  • Consistency of the gnocchi dough
  • Cooking time of the gnocchi
  • Flavor profile of the sauce
  • Temperature and cooking time of the sauce

Assume that you keep these factors in mind for a satisfying dining experience.

Sauce Pairing

Consider pairing your carrot gnocchi with a sauce that complements the nutty and savory flavors of the dish. A buttery sauce like walnut brown butter sauce or a creamy Alfredo sauce can enhance the taste of the gnocchi without overpowering it.

Presentation and Garnish

Any dish, including carrot gnocchi, is first enjoyed with the eyes. Presentation and garnish play a vital role in elevating the dining experience. Garnish your gnocchi with additional grated pecorino Romano cheese, chopped parsley, or lemon zest for a pop of color and added flavor.

Garnish by adding some fresh herbs or a drizzle of olive oil can enhance the overall appearance of the dish, making it more enticing for you and your guests. Experiment with different garnishes to find what best complements the taste and presentation of your carrot gnocchi.


Ultimately, making Carrot Gnocchi with Walnut Brown Butter Sauce is a rewarding and flavorful way to elevate your cooking skills and impress your guests. By following the simple steps to create the gnocchi dough and flavorful sauce, you can enjoy a delicious and hearty meal that highlights the natural sweetness of carrots and the nutty richness of the brown butter. Whether served as a main course or a side dish, this dish is sure to become a fall favorite in your kitchen.


Q: What is gnocchi?

A: Gnocchi are small dumplings made from flour and various ingredients, such as potatoes, cheese, or vegetables. They are usually boiled and then tossed with a sauce or fried in butter. Gnocchi are popular in Italian cuisine, but they can also be found in other regions of Europe and South America.

Q: Why use carrots for gnocchi?

A: Carrots are a great ingredient for making gnocchi because they add color, flavor, and nutrition to the dough. Carrots are rich in beta-carotene, vitamin A, fiber, and antioxidants. They also have a natural sweetness that complements the nutty and savory taste of the sauce. Carrots can be used instead of or in addition to potatoes, which are the most common base for gnocchi.

Q: How to make carrot gnocchi dough?

A: To make carrot gnocchi dough, you will need chopped carrots, all-purpose flour, Parmesan cheese, egg, garlic, dried thyme, and salt. Boil the carrots, mash them into a paste, mix with the other ingredients, knead into a dough, cut into pieces, and shape into gnocchi. Roll on a fork or gnocchi board for the characteristic shape.

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