Apple Closes the Door on iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.1.2 Downgrades

Apple has recently stopped signing iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.1.2, the previous versions of its mobile operating system, making it impossible for iPhone users to downgrade from iOS 17.1.3, the latest update. This is a common practice by Apple to ensure that users stay on the most secure and stable version of iOS, and to prevent exploits that could compromise the device’s security.

When Apple releases a new version of iOS, it also signs the previous version for a short period of time, usually a few weeks. This means that users can still install the older version of iOS on their devices using iTunes or Finder, as long as they have the firmware file downloaded. This is useful for users who encounter bugs, performance issues, or compatibility problems with the new version of iOS, and want to revert to the previous one.

Apple Closes the Door on iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.1.2 Downgrades
Apple Closes the Door on iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.1.2 Downgrades

However, once Apple stops signing an iOS version, it is no longer possible to install it on any device, even if the user has the firmware file. The device will check with Apple’s servers before installing the firmware, and if the version is not signed, it will reject the installation. This effectively closes the door on downgrading to that version of iOS.

Why did Apple stop signing iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.1.2?

Apple released iOS 17.1.3 on December 13, 2023, as a minor update that fixed some bugs and improved the performance of the iPhone. However, some users reported that the update also caused some issues, such as battery drain, overheating, and app crashes. Some users also preferred the older versions of iOS for various reasons, such as jailbreaking, app compatibility, or personal preference.

Apple stopped signing iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.1.2 on December 20, 2023, a week after releasing iOS 17.1.3. This means that users who have updated to iOS 17.1.3 can no longer downgrade to iOS 17.1.1 or iOS 17.1.2, and are stuck with the latest version of iOS. Users who have not updated to iOS 17.1.3 can still do so, but they will not be able to go back to the previous versions once they do.

What are the implications of Apple’s decision?

Apple’s decision to stop signing iOS 17.1.1 and iOS 17.1.2 has some implications for iPhone users, especially those who are interested in jailbreaking. Jailbreaking is the process of removing the software restrictions imposed by Apple on iOS devices, allowing users to customize their devices, install unauthorized apps, and access system files. However, jailbreaking also exposes the device to security risks, voids the warranty, and may cause instability.

Currently, there is no jailbreak available for iOS 17.1.3, and it is unlikely that there will be one in the near future. The last jailbreak that was released was for iOS 17.1.2, and it was based on an exploit that was patched by Apple in iOS 17.1.3. Therefore, users who want to jailbreak their devices need to stay on iOS 17.1.2 or lower, and avoid updating to iOS 17.1.3. However, since Apple has stopped signing iOS 17.1.2, users who have updated to iOS 17.1.3 by mistake or by force can no longer downgrade to iOS 17.1.2, and lose the opportunity to jailbreak their devices.

Apple’s decision also affects users who are unhappy with iOS 17.1.3, and want to downgrade to iOS 17.1.1 or iOS 17.1.2 for better performance, battery life, or compatibility. These users have no choice but to wait for Apple to release another update that fixes the issues they are facing, or to live with them until then. Alternatively, they can try to restore their devices from a backup that was made before updating to iOS 17.1.3, but this may not work for all users, and may cause data loss.

How to check the signing status of iOS versions?

Users who want to check the signing status of iOS versions can use various online tools, such as

or TSS Saver. These tools allow users to see which iOS versions are currently signed by Apple for each device model, and to download the firmware files if they are available. Users can also use these tools to save their device’s SHSH blobs, which are unique identifiers that are required for downgrading to unsigned iOS versions. However, this method is complicated and risky, and may not work for all devices and iOS versions.

What to expect from future iOS updates?

Apple is expected to release iOS 17.2 in January 2024, as a major update that will introduce new features, such as the Journal app, which will allow users to create and share digital scrapbooks of their photos, videos, and memories. iOS 17.2 will also bring improvements to FaceTime, Messages, Safari, Maps, and other apps, as well as bug fixes and security enhancements.

Users who are looking forward to iOS 17.2 can join the Apple Beta Software Program, which will allow them to test the beta versions of iOS 17.2 before they are released to the public. However, users who join the beta program should be aware of the potential risks, such as data loss, battery drain, app crashes, and compatibility issues. Users who join the beta program should also back up their devices before installing the beta versions, and be prepared to restore their devices if they encounter any problems.

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