Rare blue supermoon dazzles the world, won’t be seen again until 2037

A rare astronomical phenomenon occurred on Wednesday, August 30, 2023, when a blue supermoon rose in the night sky over Israel and much of the world. The blue supermoon is the brightest and the largest full moon of 2023, and it will not happen again until 2037.

What is a blue supermoon?

A blue supermoon is a combination of two lunar events: a blue moon and a supermoon. A blue moon is the second full moon in a calendar month, which happens about once every two or three years. A supermoon is a full moon that occurs near or at the time when the moon is at its closest point to Earth in its orbit, making it appear larger and brighter than usual.

The name “blue” is misleading, as the moon does not actually change its color. The moon may appear to have an orange or reddish hue due to the scattering of sunlight by the Earth’s atmosphere. The term “blue moon” comes from an old English expression that means “rare” or “unlikely”.

Rare blue supermoon dazzles the world, won’t be seen again until 2037

How rare is a blue supermoon?

According to NASA, the astronomical conditions that produce a blue supermoon occur on average only once a decade. Sometimes, it can take up to two decades between blue supermoons. The last blue supermoon was on January 31, 2018, and the next one will be on May 31, 2037.

The blue supermoon on August 30, 2023, was also the third and closest of four supermoons in 2023. It was about 222,043 miles (357,344 kilometers) from Earth, which is only 115 miles (186 kilometers) closer than the previous full moon on August 1. The next and final supermoon of 2023, the Harvest Moon, will rise on September 29.

How to see the blue supermoon?

The blue supermoon was visible to the naked eye from most parts of the world, depending on the weather and cloud conditions. The best time to see it was around the time of moonrise or moonset, when the moon was near the horizon and appeared even larger due to an optical illusion.

Some people also used telescopes, binoculars, or cameras to get a closer look at the lunar surface and its features. Some online platforms also offered live streams or virtual tours of the blue supermoon for those who could not see it in person.

What are the effects of the blue supermoon?

The blue supermoon had some effects on the Earth and its inhabitants. One of them was the increase in tidal forces, which caused higher and lower tides than normal. This could affect coastal areas, marine life, and navigation.

Another effect was the influence on human emotions and behavior. Some people believe that the full moon can affect mood, sleep, creativity, or fertility. However, there is no scientific evidence to support these claims.

The blue supermoon also inspired awe and wonder among many people who witnessed it. Some saw it as a sign of hope, beauty, or spirituality. Others took it as an opportunity to celebrate, meditate, or make wishes.

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