German-Jordanian Project Aims to Capture Heavy Rainwater in Jordan

The Greater Amman Municipality (GAM) has released the final report on a collaborative project with Germany aimed at capturing and collecting heavy rainwater in Jordan. This initiative, known as “CapTain Rain – Capture and Retain Heavy Rainfalls in Jordan,” seeks to mitigate the adverse effects of heavy rainfall and flash floods in the region. The project encompasses Amman and Petra, focusing on innovative solutions for water collection and flood prevention.

The CapTain Rain project aims to improve current methods and tools for predicting and preventing floods in Jordan. By analyzing the factors driving flash floods in Jordan’s valleys, the project examines the relationships between climate change, land use changes, and hydraulic engineering measures. This comprehensive approach helps in developing effective engineering solutions for water collection and drainage.

Amman City Director Ahmed Malkawi emphasized the increasing impact of climate change on Amman, particularly severe weather phenomena like heavy rainfall and flash floods. These events cause significant damage, and the CapTain Rain project has bolstered Amman’s capacity to understand and manage these negative impacts more efficiently and flexibly.

Through cooperation with the German government and local and international institutions, the project has enhanced Amman’s resilience to climate change. The city can now strive for a safer and more resilient urban environment, better equipped to handle severe weather events.

Collaborative Efforts and Positive Outcomes

The project exemplifies the cooperation between the Jordanian and German governments. Roland Kiel, a representative from the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research, highlighted the positive outcomes of this collaboration. The project addresses climate change, achieves sustainable development, and efficiently tackles related challenges.

The CapTain Rain project facilitates the development of climate services, including flash flood risk maps, early warning systems, and preventive recommendations for heavy rainfall risks. These tools are crucial for improving risk preparedness and ensuring the safety of the population during extreme weather events.

The project also involves constructing models to develop and evaluate measures for improving risk preparedness. Technologies for diverting and utilizing rainwater are being explored, providing innovative solutions for water management in Jordan.

Future Prospects and Sustainable Development

The CapTain Rain project is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the International Partnership for Sustainable Innovations Programme. It is implemented in cooperation with German universities and scientific research institutions specializing in climate disaster studies. Key partners include the Ministries of Environment, Water and Irrigation, the Greater Amman Municipality, the Petra Development Tourism Regional Authority, and the National Center for Agricultural Research.

This project not only addresses immediate challenges but also sets the stage for future sustainable development in Jordan. By enhancing flood prediction and prevention methods, the project contributes to the long-term resilience of urban environments in the face of climate change.

The collaboration between Jordan and Germany serves as a model for other countries facing similar challenges. The innovative solutions and technologies developed through this project can be adapted and implemented in other regions, promoting global efforts towards sustainable water management and disaster prevention.

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