China’s education system has been undergoing a major reform since 2017, when the government announced a policy that aims to diversify the pathways for junior high school graduates. According to the policy, only 50% of the students can enter the academic track that leads to a university degree, while the other 50% have to choose the vocational track that prepares them for the labor market. The policy has sparked heated debate and anxiety among parents, who fear that their children will lose the opportunity to pursue higher education and social mobility.
The government claims that the policy is designed to address the problems of educational inequality, talent mismatch, and youth unemployment in China. The policy is based on the assumption that not all students are suited for academic learning, and that vocational education can provide more practical skills and better employment prospects for some students. The policy also aims to reduce the pressure and competition in the academic track, which has been notorious for its high-stakes exams and heavy workload. The government hopes that the policy can create a more balanced and diversified education system that meets the needs of different students and the society.

The reaction from the parents
However, the policy has met with strong resistance and criticism from many parents, who view academic education as the only way to ensure their children’s future success and happiness. Many parents believe that vocational education is inferior and stigmatized, and that it will limit their children’s options and opportunities in life. They also worry that the policy will create a new form of educational inequality, as the academic track will be dominated by students from wealthy and urban families, while the vocational track will be filled with students from poor and rural backgrounds. Some parents have even resorted to extreme measures, such as bribing school officials, hiring tutors, or sending their children abroad, to secure a place in the academic track for their children.
The challenges and prospects of the policy
The policy faces many challenges and uncertainties in its implementation and outcomes. One of the challenges is to ensure the quality and relevance of vocational education, which has been neglected and underfunded for a long time in China. Another challenge is to change the public perception and attitude towards vocational education, which requires more social recognition and support for vocational graduates. A third challenge is to balance the interests and expectations of different stakeholders, such as students, parents, schools, employers, and the government, who may have different views and preferences on the policy. The policy also raises many questions and concerns about its impact on the students’ well-being, development, and mobility, which need to be carefully monitored and evaluated.
The policy is a bold and controversial attempt to reform China’s education system, which has profound implications for the society and the economy. The policy reflects the government’s vision and ambition to create a more diverse and inclusive education system that can foster different talents and skills for the country’s development. However, the policy also faces many difficulties and dilemmas in its execution and effects, which require more dialogue and collaboration among various actors and sectors. The policy also challenges the parents’ values and expectations on their children’s education, which require more understanding and adaptation from both sides.